The founder and publisher of the journal “Scientific and Analytical Herald of Institute of Europe Russian Academy of Sciences (Nauchno-analiticheskij vestnik IE RAN) is the Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IE RAS). The information on the Institute you can find on a web-site:

The Institute of Europe of the Russian Academy of Sciences (IE RAS) is one of the most authoritative and influential think tank in Russia. Founded in 1987 with the aim of providing scientific understanding and explanation of the dramatic changes in Europe and their prospects, the Institute works on economic, political, social and security issues, established or emerging across Europe.

Apart from academic and research work, the Institute is producing expert opinion for a wide range of organizations and bodies in the Russian Federation, including ministries, the Government and the Presidential administration. It is well known among political scientists around the world. In 2019 the Institute of Europe prestigious was rated by «Global Go To Think Tank Index Report 2018» by University of Pennsylvania (USA).

The main focus of the Institute is on fundamental and practical research of international relations, political, social and economic development of European countries along the following principal guidelines:

- geopolitical and economic shifts in Europe in the XX–XXI centuries;

- role of Europe and Russia in the polycentric world of the XXI century;

- creation of the new security system and arms control in Europe;

- European and Euro-Atlantic institutions;

- theory and practice of European integration;

- European federalism experience, regional processes in Europe, country studies;

- social dimension of Europe, sustained growth experience;

- evolution of political systems and institutions.

Two Dissertation Boards of the Institute have the authority to award degrees in Economics, History, and Political Science. Post-graduate students in the Institute focus their researches on discovering solutions which can assist the EU, Russia and the CIS countries in tackling existing or potential internal and external challenges. The Institute is run by the Academic Council and the Board of Directors, who collectively define the key spheres of research. The Academic Council consists of the members of the Board of Directors, Heads of Departments and leading specialists of the Institute and other associated organizations.

The Institute’s library possesses thousands of unique items. Since 1990s the Institute presents various aspects of its scientific work (monographs, brochures, collection of articles, reports and conference summaries) in the series of Reports of IE RAS (more than 300 reports have been published to the present day). In 2000 the Institute founded a quarterly journal «Contemporary Europe», now referenced by the Supreme Attestation Commission of Russia in five scientific disciplines. The journal is distributed through subscription, and can be found in libraries of selected Russian universities, scientific institutions and government agencies, as well as in national libraries of various foreign states. In 2007 the Institute launched a unique series of collective monographs «The Old World – the New Times», which now comprises 20 volumes. In cooperation with the Association of European Studies the Institute publishes electronic version of quarterly analytic bulletin «European Union: facts and comments». In 2018 the Institute founded «Scientific and Analytical Herald of IE RAS».

Since its foundation the Institute presented more than 400 analytical reports and information papers to the Russian State Duma, Federation Council and various Government agencies both on request and by its own initiative. Leading associates of the IE RAS are consistently involved in expert discussions of draft laws and most important issues of Russian foreign and internal policy in dedicated committees of the Russian Federal Assembly, Security Council, Scientific Council of Foreign Ministry.

Contribution of the Institute of Europe in the development of Russian science and promotion of international scientific relations is highly appraised and approved by prestigious awards to its most prominent associates: 3 state orders, 2 international awards (state order and medal), 1 Diploma of the Russian State Duma and Federation Council, 2 badges of honor, awards of RAS, acknowledgement letters and commendations from the Federal Security Service of Russia.

Contact information:

Institute of Europe

11-3, Mokhovaya st., 125009, Moscow, Russia

Phone: 8 (495) 629-45-07, 692-21-02

Fax: 8 (495) 629-92-96

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